Saturday, August 12, 2017

Thankful ....

We live in such troubling times now
and I'm not even going to get into that
but I will say I am so grateful that I live in the
United States of America
I enjoy freedoms that I try to never forget how precious they are
and I enjoy the most simple things in life the most

I am so thankful for........

  • Family celebrations
  • God
  • the sight, smell and sound of the ocean
  • a quiet day at home
  • football and more specific, the Cowboys
  • flip flops
  • a cold beer on a hot summer day
  • my family
  • my life with Johnny
  • holidays
  • ice coffee
  • vacations
  • grandchildren
  • good cooking, good food
  • the company I work for
  • good friends
  • my doggies
I could go on and on but
these were just on the top of my mind

and no post is a good post unless it has some pictures so here
are a bunch of pictures of our precious dogs


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