Saturday, December 5, 2009

25 Days of Christmas......decorating

this is what I look at as I wash dishes....shiny...I love shiny!

cute snowman hanging out in the dining room

another new one this year...tall sparkly stuff from Michaels

New this year.....wreaths on my dining room hutch.

A few of the nutcrackers standing guard over my wine.

I probably get as excited about decorating for Christmas as I do over having Christmas and waking up on Christmas morning....uhh, did I really say Christmas that many times in one sentence.

I have always started my decorating the day after Thanksgiving. But this year, I decided to do it earlier for a couple of reasons. One, I was going to be keeping my 4 yr old grandson that day and two, I love my decorations so much that I just didn't want to wait. To me, it's like Christmas morning opening up each bin (that is properly labeled with each room....

And every year, I buy even more. But that actually works out well for my daughters. As I buy more and change up how I decorate, they get some of my older things to decorate their house so it works out great.

I cannot understand people who don't decorate and choose to "skip it" this year! There is nothing like coming home from work and turning all of those lights on. It's so warm and comforting and just makes me smile.



Mallory said...

I love how we've ended up writing about the same things on the same days! I'm glad I'm not the only one with so many decorations. lol. Today we went shopping, and I didn't so much buy decorations, but I bought craft supplies to make maybe that technically doesn't count as buying the decorations themselves. haha

Lucy said...

I can never help but buy more stuff each year. It's just all so beautiful!