Sunday, July 13, 2014

July ....

well here I am, halfway through July and finally getting
a blog post up!
Between work, Jazzercise, yard and house work and spending time and
having fun with family, I just don't
have the time to blog.
And I really need to make the time as I have always said, this
is my family journal.
here's my July chalkboard......
I know...not much on it this month and not very creative! haha...
middle of summer and I'm enjoying all of the fresh fruit
We've also been grilling a lot this summer
here's the new corn holder for grilling and it works perfect
drizzle a little olive oil, add some Pegs Salt and yum!!
Declan picked the first cherry tomatoes this year
And we've really been enjoying watermelon this summer
I think I cut up at least 2 every week!
What we have not had much of is rain!! Johnny and I added
5 azaleas and 5 hydrangeas to our yard and they are
suffering pretty bad. Watering with a hose or sprinkler is just
not the same as a good soaking rain. It looks like a summer
cold front will be coming in this week so we're hoping for
a good rain.
that's about all for now.......later

1 comment:

Tina Pollard said...

I have that exact same yellow colander - mom gave it to me. :) Love your posts!