Anyone that knows me well knows that I love my children. I adore them, I worry about them and in turn, I worry them to death! I know and will admit that I drive them nuts. But that's my job..or at least that's what I think my job is. I want them to always be safe but above all, I want them to be happy.
My middle daughter Jacquelyn has been with her boyfriend Bucky for over 3 years now. She filled my heart with joy when she told me that they want to be like me and daddy! WOW...I took this as a huge compliment. Here they are so young, so smart, so cute and funny, the world in the palm of their hands and they are looking at our life as something they want! I think that is amazing and I am patting myself on the back for that one! Then last night, in her nightly phone call to us, starts telling us about the home prices where they live. What.....y'all are going to start saving for a house...yep she says! I think that's great and I think for just being 20 and 21 years old, it's a pretty good thing. I like that about Jacquelyn and Bucky..they are setting goals. Something everyone needs to do.
I have been writing my goals down since I was 18 years old. These goals change over the years...some are silly, like when I get obsessed with winning the HGTV Dream Home but most are sensible and attainable with hard work. I have reached almost all of the goals I have ever written down......except the HGTV Dream Home. I read my goals daily, sometimes more than once a day. I change them, I re-write them in a different handwriting.....ok, I guess that would fall in the really weird things I do. I believe if you think about your goals every single day, keeping them fresh in your mind, then they will guide you in making wise decision which will help you reach your goals. Might be strange or silly to some but makes perfect sense to me and it works for me so I'm thinking my way is probably right.
So now my son Jake is doing this and I must say.....I just love it! I want to worry him all of the time about his list of goals that he keeps in his wallet but I refrain from doing that. I know I wouldn't want anyone worrying me about my list. But I know in my heart that as long as Jake is writing down his goals, reading them daily (you are doing that right?) and keeping them fresh in his mind, then he will reach them. He will find that mom is wise beyond her years...always right and he will pass this down to his own children..ummmm, ok, that's getting a little out of hand.
Now, if I could only get my Miss Free Spirit Nicole to come up with some goals....but it's all good. She's following in my footsteps, though in different ways...with how she is raising her son. She loves him, she adores him and she will probably drive him crazy just like I drive her crazy. But she will above all things, want him to be happy.