here's my annual re-cap of the year
here in the Delaney household
In January I shot my first and only wedding! about being nervous.
I did it for a very dear friend of our family but don't care to shoot
anymore. Too much pressure!

January also brought the big time wedding planning for
our daughter Jacquelyn. We made the 6 month calendar for all
of the things to do and just doing that, overwhelmed us a lot!
In February I did my one and only photo shoot for the entire year!!
I knew I would be busy with the wedding planning but I
had no idea that our life would take a big turn in March
I was very honored to shoot a local pet photographer in our area, Jenna
March knocked us for a loop.....Johnny suffered a stroke
on March 17th and for 4 days they could not tell me that my husband
would recover. I felt like I just drifted those 4 days....I could not focus
on too much, tried to be the rock for my kids but throughout all of this,
I was falling apart. On the 4th day when the doctors told me
that Johnny would be ok and would recover, it was like I was
born again. Like my life was starting back up, like I could finally exhale,
like I could talk about the "next" day....because there was
going to be a next day!
He spent a week in the hospital and a week in rehab
came home and on the 2nd night home had another stroke!
I think we were more terrified by this second one as this time we
knew what was going on!
And then to just add excitement to our life, we had a bridal
shower at the house for Jacquelyn! Well you know, the wedding was still
in the works and so Johnny insisted we go ahead with the shower.
Our son Jake launched his new clothing line ... JDela Designs!
Jacquelyn turned 24 years old
We had a wedding DIY day at the house and we took
a trip to the beach for wedding planning!
Jake turned 23 years old
We had another DIY day
We traveled back down to the beach for more wedding planning
and Johnny and I celebrated 32 years of marriage
June brought a month of so much fun and happiness for our family
Our daughter was getting MARRIED!
Family came from Texas and Georgia
and all of our friends and family traveled to the Outer Banks of NC
for the wedding
It was def one of the most joyus times of our lives! And the
fact that Johnny was with us and able to walk our daughter down
the aisle made it the BEST of times!!
July 4th we spent an extra long weekend down on the
Chesapeake Bay with family and friends. What a wonderful relaxing
time! We also traveled back down to the beach but no wedding
appts this time.....just fun relaxing on the beach!
In August we added a new baby to the family .... a baby dog, Pippa Lou!
Johnny and I went back down the Chesapeake Bay for another fun filled
Our oldest daughter Nicole turned 29!
We had a 5.9, in!!
and then ended the month with a Hurricane....hello Irene!!
Johnny and I headed back down to the beach for our 5th trip this year
and we stayed for 12 days!!!
and loved every minute of it
our grandsons celebrated birthdays....Maddox 6 and Gabe 4
we decided to re-model our kitchen and that is what consumed
the remainder of our year!
It was fun and frustrating all at once
I cried, I pouted and I acted like a brat at times
but in the end, we have a beautiful new kitchen. And it was
finished in time for Christmas!
Let me just say, you haven't lived until you live through a kitchen re-model
It was another wonderful year at the Delaney house
we feel so grateful, every single day for our blessings
and I thank the good Lord for letting me have another year
together with Johnny.
I hope all of our friends, family and my bloggy friends have a
most wonderful new year .... 2012!
Let's all hope for good things for this year