Saturday, December 27, 2008


pics from Christmas......

*Jake and Bucky hanging out in the tent

*Jake snowboarding with th wii

*Christmas trash

*Maddox and his big wheel

*Bucky and Jake playing guitar hero....ummm...sitting down!

*Johnny with his new sign for his bar.....from Jacquelyn and Bucky

*Mr. Marley

*Jacquelyn and her baby dogs.....

*My new lens

*Maddox in his new Christmas pj's

*Nicole enjoying breakfast


1 comment:

Loreluca said...

MAN!!! I came yesterday and I couldn't leave a message... my stupid computer was PMSing, I'm sure.
Anyways... Iw as telling you yesterday, and it remains true today. LOVED all the pictures, but my favorite is Maddox coming out of his bedroom with bed hair. It is just soooo sweet!
Glad to see you had a great Christmas, too!