Sunday, December 28, 2008


It's Sunday night and the Cowboys failed to show up for their game that COULD have gotten them into the playoffs.....oh well, there's always next year.

it's hot here! I mean just it's 77 degrees in my house right now and it's 9:45 pm. good grief........

Now....please help me. I don't know how to get my pics a little bit larger when I post on this here blog

can someone tell me?



traci said...

i tried to watch that game today but my cable kept going out. when it finally stayed on it was the 4th quarter. your poor cowboys had a very bad day.

Loreluca said...

Yesterday I was watching part of it, and was thinking of you... Our Bears didn't make the cut, either! Oh, well... as usual, we just have to say "there's always next year" (that's probably the song for all Chicago sports fans). Funny, really, that each time I see football, I immediately think of you!