I've been trying to figure out what to post for my last one of 2008....and I thought I would go back and look at last year. Well, that wasn't such a great idea because I didn't do too good with my goals! Oh well, I still think I had a good year......take a look at last year's goals.....
1. First off....Damnit......I WILL lose that "no smoking" weight. I know it won't be that easy but really, I have that new pink bike so how hard can it be! DECEMBER UPDATE - ummm...well, it IS HARD!! I didn't lose any...guess we'll work on that one again.
2. Find more time for scrapbooking - DECEMBER UPDATE - I didn't find time for scrapbooking BUT I did find time to set up my scrapbooking room and now have my awesome new TV....thank you Johnny boy! So I think I will find the time now.
3. Learn how to take awesome pics with my new camera - DECEMBER UPDATE - I DID take a class and I learned a whole lot. I have my new lens on order....thank you Johnny boy! I'm looking for another class.
4. Learn to quilt - DECEMBER UPDATE - Darn.....I just didn't have time this year. I want to take a class.....BUT I do have my sewing machine now set up in my new scrapbooking room so maybe it will happen!
5. Spend more time with mom and dad - DECEMBER UPDATE - I think I did this some but I still need to work on it even more. We took mom and dad on vacation with us this year and it was awesome!!
So, to all of my bloggy friends......HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wish you all of the best...good health and happy lives!
love.......Nina Diane