Monday, April 13, 2009

Say Happy Birthday.......

to my middle daughter Jacquelyn!

she turned 22 years old today....really? where DID the time go.

Seems like just yesterday she was that little runt of a baby. So teeny tiny....with that beautiful blonde hair. The nurses in the hospital nicknamed her the Blonde Bombshell.


  • loved candy
  • was scared to sleep in her room for years
  • loved cheering
  • collected angels
  • very competitive
  • hard to argue with....she made too much sense!
  • is a vegetarian since age 8
  • loved the movie ET
  • not much into toys
  • was an awesome swimmer
  • made excellent grades in school
  • made all of the right decisions
  • made her dad and I very proud

And now she is..........

  • dedicated to her family
  • dedicated to her boyfriend
  • dedicated to her doggies.....they are her babies
  • dedicated to her job
  • dedicated to her bowling
  • dedicated to her work outs
  • dedicated to being the best person she can be

and her dad and I are so very proud of her

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jacquelyn Diane!!



Anonymous said...

:) aww thanks mom! love you

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Miss Jacquelyn.
And Happy BIRTHday Mom!

I have a 20 yr old and a soon to be 24 year old. And I to wonder, where on earth did those years go? It seems like just the other day . . .

I also know how sick they get of hearing that all the time! HA!

HAGD!!! Karen

Connie said...

Happy Birthday Jacquelyn! You did good Diane...what a pretty and wonderful daughter you birthed and raised. Enjoy the day! Connie middle name is Diane.

LilliGirl said...

Good job, Mommy! And Happy Birthday, Baby Girl...You'll always be om's baby!

Nina, I have an award for you over at my spot. Stop by and pick it up. :)

Frugalious Living said...

Hi there, thank you for stopping by my blog! It is so sweet of you. I hope you have a great day.

Thanks, Marcia

Nancy said...

What a sweet tribute to your daughter.

Loreluca said...

Happy BELATED birthday to your "little" one!!! She looks like a bombshell now, too! What a beautiful girl inside and out. Give yourselves a pat on the back!