Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Random ...

We have finally finished unpacking but still have so much to do
Lot's of projects
Johnny is drawing up plans to build a deck in the back
we are STILL waiting on the fence
people down here work on "island time" for sure
and they don't work in the rain! haha....and that's all we have had
growing grass and landscaping are all on hold 
until the fence is done

but we did work on the side yard of the carport
Actually Johnny did all of the work and I just gave my thoughts
on where they should go
I googled plants that can do well in sandy soil
since our entire yard is just sand!
Johnny framed it out so the mulch wouldn't wash away

with a list of what does well, he went shopping
hydrangeas, luna hibiscus, begonias, coleus, black-eye susans and lavender

 this is right after he finished
we bought a timer for the sprinkler so it comes on every
day at 3:00 for a good soaking.
He used garden soil in each hole that he dug and so far
they are all doing great. All of the hydrangeas are blooming
and the luna hibiscus now has lots of buds on it, should be
opening up soon

and just some random pics from around the house
Still do not have bedroom furniture but have ordered the 
furniture for the master bedroom
scheduled to arrive this Friday 
here's the #teddybear pack snuggling in all of the bed pillows

I have starfish in most of my windows
I love them
and these starfish are all from Jacquelyn and Bucky's wedding

the dogs love laying on the upper balcony

more starfish....

and that's it for now
life on a sand bar .... it's just fun


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