remember my post from Saturday on the dishes that were 70% off....
well, I found more great deals last night at Lowe's!
Johnny boy and I went in there to pick up some cup hooks for a shelf he is doing for me and I spotted the "reduced" rack....you know, had to go check it out.
There was a lamp made from some kind of Italian wood, tall and sleek, black and it had a red lamp shade with embrodiaed flowers on it. It just yelled....YOUR KITCHEN! And the price.....$10 bucks! yep...10 bucks....lamp shade and all. So I grabbed that.
Then I saw a pair of white ceramic lamps.....for $6 bucks! yep....6 bucks each!!!
and it gets better......
Then saw a nice silver swing arm lamp for $6 bucks!! Then got a burgundy lamp shade for it for $2 bucks!
I just could not believe these deals....
I have to buy shades for the 2 white ceramic lamps and I think they will go perfect in my living room when I re-do it.