I am: pretty darn happy for this time of my life
I think: it has never been this hot this early in June in Virginia
I thank: God for my wonderful family
I know: that I shouldn’t wish time away but it will be so wonderful when Sept 6th gets here and we meet up with the family in the most wonderful place on earth…The Outer Banks!
I wish: my Johnny boy didn’t have to work so much.
I hate: the current gas and food prices
I miss: my grandma.
I feel: very lucky to have all of my family living close by.
I shop: only when I’m in the mood. And here lately, Johnny boy would tell you that’s every weekend.
I hear: the sweet sound of the air conditioner!!!!
I crave: sweets but I’m trying not to snack……cuz you know, it’s bathing suit time of the year!
I wonder: when our little Maddox will finally be able to speak.
I dream: of taking a tropical vacation.
I love: my Johnny boy.
I care: so much for my children and it causes me to always worry about them.
I always: make coffee as soon as I come home from work on Friday no matter what the temp is.
I celebrate: (will) celebrate Johnny boy’s birthday next weekend
I sing: really, really loud in the car by myself…..
I cry: at some of the dumbest stuff.
I don’t always: keep my mouth shut when I should.
I write: on my blog and notes to my family
I pray: every night for my family, friends and people I don’t know. And I pray for something good to happen to this world we live in.
I lose: my mind sometimes!
I listen: to silence…..I love it when it’s all quiet in the house. This probably stems from having 3 kids and all of their entourage around all of the time when they were growing up
I am scared: of snakes, height and bridges
I dance: for Maddox all of the time…..crazy dancing and he loves it.
I need: time at the beach and I can’t believe it hasn’t happened yet this year!
I surf: the internet and visit a ton of blogs.
I dread: Monday mornings!
I anticipate: enjoying my new deck whenever it gets finished.
I laugh: a lot and out loud!!
now it's your turn.......put your answers in the comments section or on your blog. Just let me know so I can visit you!!